xDOM behaviors features/Todo list updated 2004-03-04 ('/' signifies completed) ===================================== SELECT: /-value property /-text property (like .value) /-defaultSelectedIndex property: option's defaultSelected + select's SelectedIndex /-selectedTexts property: return as string Array /-selectedValues property: return as string Array /-selectedIndices property: return as string Array /-defaultSelectedIndices property: return as string Array /-disabled property on OPTIONs & OPTGROUPs /-reset() method /-sort("text/value", "ASC/DESC") method -readonly property (reset to defaultSelected after each change; or modify .disabled); currently buggy w/multi -innerHTML property (fix it w/outerHTML) (http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;276228) -z-index workaround (implement intelligent hiding with fCalcCoords/getBoundingRect & fIsOverLapped) (http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;177378&Product=iep) SELECT multiple=true: -fix onchange/onpropertychange events -fix .value PUT so .selectedIndex & .value GETs are accurate; (must attach to .value & onpropertychange w/o breaking) OPTGROUP: /-disabled property OPTION: /-disabled property .title property: /-implement for SELECT (does createPopup(), so ie5.5+) LABEL: /-fix for SELECT/LABEL bug (focus(), not reset()) http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;314279 INPUT type=checkbox: /-readonly property INPUT type=radio: /-make de-checkable FORM: /-use to fix BUTTON type=submit behavior (so only clicked button submits, per W3C) /-dirty property TEXTAREA: /-maxlength property ==== planned/in development ==== BUTTON: -fix: set disabled=true doesn't fire onpropertychange event -change: make contained IMGs reflect disabled status IMG: -implement disabled property -- filter:gray alpha(opacity=50) INPUT type=text: INPUT type=password: INPUT type=file: INPUT type=hidden: INPUT type=button: INPUT type=image: INPUT type=reset: INPUT type=submit: